The Problem

The challenge was to create a pitch video for a proposed course on email organization for new hires of the ABC Corporation, a national staffing agency that includes in-house hires in multiple departments as well as external hires to numerous industries. 
The proposed course needed to be founded in research on effective email organization & training for new hires with varying levels of organization skills. The video needed to provide an overview of the course itself as well as how the proposed course design would utilize the ADDIE model. Furthermore, the video needed to showcase production & editing skills by incorporating videos, images, text, animations, voice-overs, and music. 
It all had to be done in less than 24 hours, and because I was working 9-5 at TSC's corporate office, I could only get started at 6 PM.
The Solution

I work well under pressure and enjoy a challenge, so I worked from 6:00 PM to midnight and gave it my best shot. After completing research into effective training for email organization across industries, I created the plan for a three-level course differentiated across degrees of need. Then I made a storyboard, drafted the script, recorded the voiceover, edited stock images in Photoshop, and paired them with music & video in Camtasia.

My pitch video made it into the final round, which is satisfying, and the end product is a nice example of what I can accomplish in a very limited time.

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