The Problem

Working with everyone from startups and nonprofits to large-scale international enterprises, Tyrannosaurus Tech offers clients digital product design, development, and strategy on a Jurassic scale. Due to the sheer range of clients and needs, T-Rex Techies implemented the User Story model for product management and software development; however, user stories were not always written clearly with the receiver & end user in mind, leading to miscommunication and lost productivity. T-Rex Tech leadership provided employees with a one-hour video tutorial, but they wanted something more interactive to increase engagement and retention. After research & interviews with SMEs (including Director of Operations Shannon Smith), I created a three-part interactive course on Articulate Storyline 360.
The Solution

The User Story training course includes:

1.    What are User Stories? – A refresher on the User Story model and how they benefit both T-Rex Tech staff & clients
2.    Elements of a Good Story – How to produce User Stories that are… 
...Sized appropriately
...Valuable to end users
...Clear in scope
...Able to be estimated
3.    Red Flags – Common pain points in User Story implementation and how to avoid them

The course was designed as a playful dinosaur-themed adventure with Ty and Rex, an animated duo, all in keeping with Tyrannosaurus Tech’s brand image and design ethos. An initial test launch revealed that the interactive course was still too long, so it was edited further for content and clarity. After the pilot launch, effective user story implementation increased along with greater buy-in among employees.

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